Fed Districts Report ‘Flat, Declining Activity’

By Staff Writer September 10, 2024 290

Nine of the Federal Reserve’s 12 districts showed flat or declining activity in the current period, according to the Fed’s ‘Beige Book’ report. Employment levels were steady overall, though there were isolated reports that firms filled only necessary positions, reduced hours and shifts, or lowered overall employment levels through attrition.

Still, reports of layoffs remained rare. On balance, wage growth was modest, while increases in nonlabor input costs and selling prices ranged from slight to moderate.

Consumer spending ticked down in most Districts, having generally held steady during the prior reporting period. Auto sales continued to vary by District, with some noting increases in sales and others reporting slowing sales because of elevated interest rates and high vehicle prices. Manufacturing activity declined in most districts, and two districts noted that these declines were part of ongoing contractions in the sector. Residential construction and real estate activity were mixed, though most districts’ reports indicated softer home sales. Likewise, reports on commercial construction and real estate activity were mixed. District contacts generally expected economic activity to remain stable or to improve somewhat in the coming months, though contacts in three Districts anticipated slight declines.

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Last modified on Monday, 16 September 2024 11:33