There was a time when I would freely opine on things political. That was when everyone’s opinion was respected on a ‘to each, his own’ basis. While it was still a subject to be avoided at a polite dinner table – just like sex and religion – it used to rouse little more than gentle banter in mixed company. Sometimes a little vocal thrust and parry to test the sentiments of a group could be an enjoyable joust of words without insult. I’ve been known to harshly criticize sitting presidents and even Congress in general and though quite single-sided, I knew others’ opinions could be just as fervent on the con side of argument but without ire or irritation.
I think the fixations of political leanings these days are almost viciously guarded, to the point of completely ignoring those of others. There’s no middle ground these days – in Congress or in public. It’s a shame. There is so much to enjoy and celebrate in this country. The pandemic made people selfish and inward looking and I wonder how long it will take us to revere what’s around us rather than revile it. For instance, there’s nothing actually wrong with immigration – it built this country – control and consistency are the watchwords. It took me nearly 15 years to qualify as an American citizen going through the various visa statuses during that time. Not only was the endeavor worthwhile, it made me appreciate all that’s good here.
Hard work and a broad mind has brought so many benefits to me and my family – more so here than in England, for instance. Lest you think I was born with a silver spoon firmly planted in my mouth, I grew up among the bombsites of post-war London when food was rationed and we made the best of it. Self-dependency probably formed the early basis of my conservative views, as I witnessed my parents making something out of nothing. However, my conservatism doesn’t stretch so far as to dismiss the feelings of others.
The world around us seems to be comprised of single-minded groups, to the detriment of progress and betterment. Wars are rife, senselessly sucking the lifeblood from populations and economies. The Ukraine campaign is the belligerent whim of one man. Syria suffers under Bashir al-Assad as African dictators annihilate hundreds of thousands while they line their Swiss bank accounts. Economic cycles are very often out of synch with the political philosophies of those in power – it takes years to turn this country around so the claims to fame or the pointing of blame are often misplaced, shrouded in the mists of time or the changing flat world around us. I feel I should apologize for this rambling rant. I should probably have come up with a rousing, new year’s optimistic theme. I fear it would have sounded hollow.
When the weather reflects what is written, it’s known as a pathetic fallacy – the atmospheres being the same. Crazy weather abounds; it’s even been cold in the Carolinas. Punxsutawney Phil should go back to sleep again. I read he didn’t see his shadow so spring is arriving early. In the very next article the National Weather Service said that cold and wet conditions would last well beyond normal. Choose which one you believe. Sounds like our politicians!